Monday, September 26, 2005

What the Fuck Is Going On? Truer words have never been spoken.

Shit. This blog is so's got the OLD password.

My life.

My l i fe.

It's so good and so bad at the same time.. the tension is killing me and keeping me alive.

Tenative titles for my forthcoming book of essays:

" 10 Years of instability "

" The Invisibility of Modern Nomadism "

Fuck the internet.

Fuck you..and you..and you. You're cool...

No matter how dark the night gets..the light shines.

Light blinks on sleeping printer.

ders ================================

Dear god, somebody save ..

It's all there for your asking.


I love you and my "instability" is slowly destroying. \
All words burn. Signifying nothing but everythingfalls off into space. A thousnd h-bombs to vaporize th e barriers and wall s between us.