Wednesday, March 25, 2009

STil life

Yesterday I was depressed. Slept 12 hours. Felt better, loving life. Lagging a little right now, listening to madd slowcore. Uh oh..

Anyhow. Life is pretty good, I feel new energies stirring below the surface, like seeds about to sprout.

Need new clothes, new everything but the patina of the passing time can be nice in the mix refreshed.

Still wondering what to do, trying to get from what it all means to what exactly to DO. Current stuff ok, but need more, better, deeper, meaningful. Need a new Renaissance of my my kinda like cira 200_-200_.

Hear birds singing outside my windows.

As usual, concurrent desires of hard work, organization and at the same time fuck it all-ness.

I'm really in to tangible things and domesticity right now. Cooking, farming, cleaning, laundry, walking, eating, making things, bringing it all IRL. Community sharing real real real.

Internet, heart u but h8 u.

Lots of work to do, but can't bring myself to do it.

I think I'm hungry.

Oh man: Unlearn "Still Life with Actress" is so good.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I wish.

gonna try to write here more. Kinda wish i could live everywhere at once. Physical reality needs to catch up to internet reality. I want to be in my apartment in Brooklyn and walk out the door into my front yard in cornwall, breathe some fresh air, take a walk then jump to the beach in California.

Lets get on this, people.

FEELING this Hatchback mix

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Hangover Day

Ahhh, Sunday is both the lord's day and hangover day as far as I'm concerned. Good god. Hangovers if done right are like a kind of meditation. Fuck your zazen. If not completely dehabilitated, it can feel so mellow and nice. Bringing your mind down a notch and thoughts float by.

Big shout out to the whole Royal Oak family.