Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Golden Rule

I'm a real person, not a photo, not even a video, not some construct.
You were turning into a symbol, an avatar,


and communicate with me and the EVERYTHING and ME,

because I'm real

The music that's going to play at the end of this world.

A kind of living, breathing poetry.
Rennesance living environments.
Leaves fall on your face.
Manic living cycles.
Winter is the element of water and the womb of new life.

whatever yo.

At Penn Station this morning, I was approached by this kid, probably a little younger than me who was asking for money. His story was that he needed a train ticket back to Philly, and he had been stranded in New York. I looked him over, and it seemed plausable enough. He carried a skateboard and was seemingly sincere with his plea. I decided, what the fuck, it could be me in that situation-and gave him twenty dollars. Handing him my business card, I told him to send me the cash when he could. Out of nowhere, a cop shows up and yells at the guy to get out of the train station. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE?" I'm like, dude, give me my money back-something is obviously up. So he does, and I walk away. I hear handcuffs being unshakled.

The kid tried to run for it.

Almost gets ten feet, and the cop tackles him. "DON'T RUN FROM ME AGAIN!" Out of nowhere five more cops and soldiers bum rush this guy as I get the fuck out. Dude.

There was a really strange thing in the air at about 9:30 this morning above Secaucus, New Jersey. At first it looked like a plane, no, a banner behind an airplane? Shaped like a huge square paper bag, not a hot air baloon. Very weird.

Last night I stayed up till 2 in the morning. I'm trying to get by on 4 hours of sleep. Almost instantly upon getting into bed I'm propelled into a hypnogogic lucid dreaming state. It was WILD. I had 80% control of the the dream. It was a mix of the sensations and weirdness of the sleep paralysis/obe experience and the drippingly real setting of a lucid dream.

The content was composed of three main themes. One, was this journey through a scarry bizzarre realm where I experienced "entities" of some sort that seemed like they were trying to scare me. The intent did not feel malicious though. More like a performance or ritual. Like the wizard of oz. I got behind the curtin I suppose.

Next, well...it was some sort or astral sex fest! I guess there are much worse ways to spend dream time! Dude. I'm just the driver man.

Lastly, I eneded up in some sort of house. There were three cats sleeping in filtered sunlight. Romaine lettuce leaves were displayed on a wall, to make raw fodd/vegan tacos with.? There was a women there who was telling me a whole lot of things. Important information it feels like.

Everybody was freak'in, people all over the world.


Sunday, November 28, 2004

Drinking ban goes into effect

No one had some amazing sexy futuristic happining fun life. Or so it was for the people I talked to. Most were married or on the way. Some had kids. Very few single people. It's an ironic tie.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Seeing you makes me want to live

Jesus I am hung over. Reunion, blah blah blah.
The title of this post comes from somewhere else.
I started to be able to socialize again.
This is a love story between you and me. There was a time before time, a long time ago, before we created this universe, when you and I were One, absolutely One. Beyond any words, beyond anything that we can say, anythoughts that we can think, we were One. We were God. Before any of this waveform universe was created or any of the dimensional levels of it were created - and it's vast, it's probably more vast than you know - all the stars that you look out into in the vastness of space and atoms going within at any particular point, that's nothing compared to What There Is. And yet, before any of this, you and I were in absolute unity. And we decided to create this universe, and we did it from a very and in a very specific way. We chose a specific shape which was not a shape then, which was a sphere. And from this sphere, everything that we know and even don't know came. There's no exceptions whatsoever. All life-forms, all bodies, all planetary forms and everything even beyond that, all came out of a simple, little round ball.

The xnxnxnxnxnx of my kdjsldjsidjoisdcjk

Monday, November 22, 2004

The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn.

I want to shoot myself. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. This is all so wrong. F**k my job. Thanks for the compliments, but no thanks. It's on.

They gave me a 10% raise. WTF. That's an extra $67.00 a week before tax. I am gone like the wind my friends. That is not a place worth staying.

The whole world has gone mad.

"Art is like a shipwreck .. it's everyman for himself."

- Marcel Duchamp, In Art

Thank god for Mrs. McEntee she may have saved my life with this stack of inspiration out of nowhere. She is my patron saint.

It's all poetry anyway.

"The extreme limit of wisdom-- that is what the public calls madness."

Jean Cocteau

Thursday, November 18, 2004

How to draw animals.

My lunch with the vice president got bump3ed to tommorrow. I suppose the extra McGriddles can wait one more day. The night manager said I would be "Real Happy" with the content of the luncheon. Damn right, I better be happy. Mr. Danomyte here, has been working his ass off for mere pennies over the last six months. I'm learning to say no, be more of an asshole and be fucking thourough. All good , just add at least 10k to my salary and we cool.

The feeling of being burnt out and bored/boreing is lifting. It's like some permanant fog that's been hanging around me for the past eight months or so. My whole old world and game are collapsing around me, and the only stability is this fast paced monochaotic working lifestyle. All the former substance that made up me is being put out for recycling.. so what remains, and what is being made new?

Perspective and where you stand color things sooo much.

I wish I had a sack of coccaine the size of one of those jumbo dog food bags. It would really be the "pick me up" I need right now. Or not.

Banality interests me and kind of lights my fire because it's so damn dream like. Or, is that a sign my dreams are pale and weak? Is it the possibility for rebellion and creativity that bursts out of that void? White canvas, blank piece of paper, indigo night? Monochaoticwhitenoise does not leave alot of time for imagination.

Imagination was prized above all else. The kings rewarded that one jester because of what he said.

I want days that are years not hours that are seconds.

I was reading an old blog post of mine:

"Sometimes it feels like I've died and I am on the world's longest trip to heaven. The people are confused like the newly dead."


Your enigma shatters.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Ok, this is the deal.

Rambling with bad grammer. I KEEP DREAMING OF SECRET ROOMS!

When I was a little kid, I kept having these strange thoughts - that I didn't belong with my family. It was as if my life was a dream and I really was from some where else. That's pretty strange. There is the case to be made for reincarnation. Perhaps it was bleed through from another time? Far out concept, I know. Do I belive in reincarnation?

Yes. Most definitly.

However, the feeling persists.

What does this mean?

Life is a journey, blah blah, but where do I fit in? Most times, I feel like an outsider, EVERYWHERE. Really. It's not nessecaraly a bad thing, it just is. What the fuck is going on here?? It's cool to be that detached and OBSERVE, but I need to connect.

My friend Priscilla is engaged. That is awsome, and I'm really happy for her. I was madly in love with her for a while. She was a strange spark of hope in my life when I was at my most nihilistic. Thank you Priscilla.

What makes me happiest right now is the possibility of anything better. Oooo, that sound horrible. ...What makes me happiest right now is THIS BLOG, my only vreative outlet at the moment. There is always 2005, which may be promising.

Kate is still pregnant and still with Mittens. I've decided things are going to work out just fine for her. We had a great conversation last weekend, I really want to be as supportive as possible. And, it KILLS me that I have yet to go visit her in Colorado. Devestates me, but, as Lou said, it was her decision to go out there, I'm not oblogated. I just feel guilty.

I need a way to blog all the time. The freshness, the freshness.

I think I like getting fucked up because it stops me from thinking so much. Sobriety is just as much a drug as drugs.

Amy Quick and Smokey used to have a nick name for me - "sad Dan". I have yet to shake the melencholy.

Best day of my life:_____________________________________
Best period of time in recent memory__________________________________________
Favorite Soda: Coke
Favorite MOvie: Really don't have the patience
Favorite Newspaper: None, although I don't hate them as much anymore, exept for the ny post and daily news.
Coffee: black, like my women. This great black girl was so into me at one point, but i was freaked out because she had a kid. once again, I think too much.

Favorite Television Show: The OC. Just kidding. My co-worker saw Kerri Russell and this other actor.

What's up with Google buying Keyhole? GOOGLE IS TAKING OVER THE WORLD, that;s what. Mapping all your data belong to us. JK, google is a kind company.

Fuck Sven and his company, I need to eject. that is so lame, forget it. I sound like a fourteen year old on live journal, writing must occur more often to ensure skills and more than these spastic outbursts, But they are fun!

sleeping now.

Monday, November 15, 2004

145. putting the remote control ham percolator in rerun’s pants

I serached for "ham percolator". Some asshole bootlegged the list, and claimed it for his own. See The Nonist for reference. Funniest list ever. The benches. Cornwall On Hudson. Matt Monteleone, certified genius.

1. wanking
2. choke the chicken
3. jerking off
4. spanking it
5. stroking it
6. swelling the peachy dome
7. releasing the hostages
8. windsurfing on mount baldy
9. pocket pool
10. smacking st. peter
11. spanking the puppy
12. banging the cowbell
13. rockin’ the casbah
14. slapping the bishop
15. polishing the nob
16. launching the skiff
17. shaking hands with telly sevalas
18. greeting the auctioneer
19. poppin’ the hood
20. freein’ willy
21. taking lessons from a private tutor
22. letting people out of the tent
23. cleaning the litterbox

24. spilling the milk
25. getting interviewed by montel
26. conquering the gladiator
27. waltzing with the barber
28. digging for gold
29. swimming the english channel
30. riding the rocketship to wonderland
31. carbon dating the shroud of turin
32. christening the shaft
33. dorking off
34. making sparks in the dark
35. leafin’ through the phonebook
36. cycling with salman rushdie
37. jiggling the handle
38. parking in front of a fire hydrant
39. holding the pickles
40. singing in the shower
41. invading poland
42. pulling out the corkscrew on your swiss army penis
43. heating up the leftover meatloaf
44. pushing the toast down again
45. putting the lemon in the iced tea
46. renovating the summer home

47. weed-whacking custer’s grave
48. cleaning the pipes
49. looking for mr. goodwrench
50. flipping the turtle on it’s back
51. calling the bugman
52. paying for brendan’s college
53. applying for a loan
54. plugging in the electric rawhide toaster slinky
55. stealing the buns from cumberland
56. expanding westward
57. kissing babies with oliver north
58. dropping off wes
59. bowlin’ a spare
60. sitting on the ball polisher
61. talking to the meat vendor
62. negotiating with alan thicke
63. diving for sunken treasure
64. shaving blackbeard the pirate
65. rescuing the swiss family robinson
66. falling into the basement
67. tickling trotsky
68. hosing down mr. salonsky
69. fallin’ off the train
70. having the speilberg’s over for dinner
71. unhooding the jawa
72. gripping the monorail of love
73. tappan zee bridge
74. dustin hoffman
75. robbing the cheese car
76. singing with the barbershop quartet
77. anchoring the news
78. harboring the fugitive
79. assasinating lincoln
80. crossing the mason-dixon
81. riding the pony express with harriet tubman
82. smuggling a slave
83. bombing hiroshima
84. getting saddam hussein out of kuwait
85. adjusting the volume
86. smoking with charlemagne
87. playing pool at missy’s summer house in coxsackie
88. railsliding your pants
89. punishing the gerbil
90. punching john travolta
91. calling the maytag repairman
92. going behind the iron curtain
93. driving grandma through the bedroom
94. having a catch with sandy kofax
95. playing with the bearded lady
96. scraping the lint from the dryer
97. flogging the nigger
98. getting self-serve at the mobil station
99. fondling cabin boy
100. parting the red sea
101. duct-taping jesus to the cross
102. blowing the horn
103. boinking the bingo man
104. tipping over the gimp
105. massaging the revolving donkey
106. stuffing the backpack with baby heads
107. riding the seesaw with oprah winfrey
108. slapping geraldo’s donahue
109. greasing maury povitch
110. cleaning the sistine chapel
111. buying a wheelchair for stalin
112. throwing up in the pork store
113. playing pogs with bucky theis
114. riding horses with kimmy greaves
115. spreading salad dressing on pataki
116. swimming in velveeta
117. neutering bob barker
118. shaving the weinerdog
119. checking connie chung’s oil
120. calling hoffman a nazi
121. ernest borgnein’s eyepatch
122. playing catch with sandy duncan’s glass eye
123. squeezing the lemon meringue pie
124. raging against the machine
125. whipping the family ferret
126. taking prozac with tom jones
127. digging for gold in guam
128. jumping rope with mussolini
129. stroking the wolf boy
130. mixing drinks with a yak
131. cultivating rice with ricardo montaban
132. beating the midget
133. killing the chipmunk
134. probing patty poole
135. backing the ups truck over pavarotti
136. unravelling the butter
137. frolicking in the andes
138. varnishing bob villa
139. giving captain pickard a shoe-wedgie
140. my name is amago montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.
141. inflating queen elizabeth
142. eating bacos with darth vader
143. inserting a donkey
144. making origami with hitler
145. putting the remote control ham percolator in rerun’s pants
146. tenderizing the bloated sandwich
147. pile-driving castro’s bananas
148. starsky and hutch
149. getting the power from greyskull
150. forming voltron
151. smurfing
152. transforming optimus prime
153. breaking your wookie
154. stuffing ghandi
155. getting meathead out of archie’s chair
156. jogging with nell carter
157. driving kitt
158. exposing the evil michael knight
159. stretching webster
160. molesting dudley
161. rollerskating with tootie
162. squeezing the grapes of wrath
163. cutting the bonzai tree
164. waxing ralph machio’s aardvark
165. shampooing khadaffi
166. making jello with ywinwie malmstein
167. making porkbutter with the amish
168. choking geiser
169. raving with sestock
170. sestocking geiser
171. burking sestock
172. blaspheming meatloaf
173. drinking crisco with burl ives
174. paying mr. furley his rent
175. defacing ronnie blair memorial hall
176. getting cross examined by tom bosley
177. driving the white bronco
178. welcoming back kotter.


Saturday, November 13, 2004

Food of the GODS!

We eat so many shrimp

SergDun said...

Just the internet? Do you think this is a fucking GAME?!?! This is real fucking blogging, motherfuckers died for this shit. You think I'm going to go soft cause the Shrimp is too real for you. I HAVE to do this for all my fallen soliders. My Prodigy and Compserve motherfuckers. All them old school newsgroup motherfuckers. Them mailing list users. Motherfuckers that put it down in this game. The motherfuckers on netscape communicator 2.0. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here shining and grindin like I am today. I refuse to let them fade away so a bunch of soft bitchs can run around like they on some shit. Motherfucker you don't even have a fucking clue just how real the ISP's are. I live and die for my IP address.

66.128.666.22 FOR LIFE!

..yes, yes they are.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

You need more VOICE!

I have conflicting desires.

One is moving twords more organization, frugality, puntuality, ...
all qualities I desire and need in some capacity.

The other is is another vector entirely (Or is it?) Art, debauchery, hedonism, slack, levity, ludic , lazy, the poetic,

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb more later

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

a distorted reality is now a necessity to be free

a distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be freea distorted reality is now a necessity to be free

Monday, November 01, 2004

SLA is genius

To Do List

1) Vote or die
2) Grocery shopping
3) fix wobbly chair
4) Buy greg and beth their XX XX XXXX
5) Take pictures
6) Be reckless

In the parlance of our times.
We hold these truths to be self evident.
Your enigmatic presence shatters my illusion.
staring off into inner space.
reveal the money.
Slow the roll.
Super size.
There is more beyond.